Saturday, October 30, 2010

I haven't been myself lately, as I've been told. The past is behind me now, tomorrow is a new start. You know who gets to make the decisions for my life? I do. That's right, I am the one that determines whether I am going to have a good day, week, month, year, life. God has given me the strength and ability to face each day. I'm still here, aren't I?

We only have one chance at life. Live it to the fullest, take chances, write thank you notes, smile at strangers, gaze at the stars, travel the world, write a song and sing it to the birds, jump in a huge pile of leaves, surprise your momma with fresh flowers, do something nice without being asked to, do something totally unexpected, and remember to love with everything in you.

I am going to have an awesome week. No matter what God decides to throw my way, everything will be okay because He is in charge.

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