Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Don't let me fall in love with you..

You got sapphire eyes and that's okay.
I've seen that before, it's nothing new.
You can look at me that way if you want.
But don't let me fall in love with you.
You got one of those smiles I've heard about, that can tear a soul in two.
Almost afraid to see you happy.
I just might fall in love with you.

Don't let me fall, don't be so cruel.
Don't let me fall, if I can't have you.

When we touch electricity gets through.
It's a good trick if you can do it,
To make me fall in love with you.

Don't let me fall, don't be so cruel.
Don't let me fall,
If I can't have you.

You talk with tongues of angels.
And there is grace in all you do.
My heart aches to see you sway like that.
Oh, please, please don't let me fall in love with you.
Please, please don't let me fall in love with you.

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