Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The broken clock is a comfort, it helps me sleep tonight.

I haven't truly updated in forever. No one really looks at this anyway.

My life has been pretty chaotic lately, I guess in a good way. Maybe.
I've learned many things about myself the past couple weeks. I've learned I'm a lot stronger than I thought, even through my numerous breakdowns. I haven't really been my normal bubbly self, and if you've been around me and I've been grouchy, I would like to give you my deepest condolences.

The song that sums me up today is Lifehouse's "Broken". I'm not trying to be all sappy and depressed, promise. It just truly describes what I'm experiencing in life right now.
"I'm hangin' on another day, just to see what you will throw my way.
And I'm hangin' on to the words you say, you said that I will be okay."
God never said this life would be easy, be He did promise that we wouldn't journey it alone.

Also, something totally not related to this...Every time I hear the song "Good Riddance" by Green Day, I pretty much burst into tears. It reminds me of all the fond memories I've had the pleasure of experiencing. I miss 4-H, I'd give anything to rewind time to about 2 years ago.

I have an obsession with http://icanread.tumblr.com/
It's basically a blog that has images with words.
Anyway, I saw a cute little image with an older couple on it. It read, "I love seeing old couples. It makes me realize that actually someone can love you forever."
I can't help it, I'm a hopeless romantic.
Sorry, this blog has been super spontaneous and all over the place. My thoughts are like that :)

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