Sunday, May 1, 2011

Breaking Point

Yep, I think I've reached it. I know God will never give me more than I can handle, but come on, can I catch a break? My worries compared to the worries of others is probably nothing. This is just me being selfish and a complainer. But you know, it ends now. I am going to try my best to say what I feel instead of keeping it all in because that is the reason for all this mess. So the next time you ask "Why?", I will have an answer. I will just let it all out. Take it or leave it, the truth will come out. I'm sorry for not opening up to you, there is so much I have to say now.

My eyes are stinging from all the tears. It is refreshing in a way, a good cry. I think it truly makes you realize what is important to you, because you don't cry as much as this over just anything. And this, this was a long crying episode.

On a happy note, I've been listening to a lot of Death Cab, Iron and Wine, Snow Patrol, and Coldplay. They're magical. "You could be happy, I hope you are. You made me happier than I've been by far." And that's just the thing, maybe it is time to let go. I pray it's not, but maybe the time has come.

Thank you for such a beautiful life, God. Sorry for making it about me sometimes.

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