Wednesday, November 10, 2010

When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory

How He Loves- John Mark McMillan

I am not the victim, the Enemy made me believe that I was. I am not reduced. I am not ugly. I do not contribute to my own sorrow.

The Enemy made me believe that I amounted to the worth of the trials and negativity that I encountered.

You gave me the gift of presence. I know You created me to effect.

Unfortunately, I hid it. I polluted it. In which the Enemy and his forces that work in others delighted. This led me to ignore You. This led me to believe the pollution, even several times in the face of You, Lord.

But God, you work. You are the most persistent. Your love is the everlasting. Yours is the love that is meant to reign in our hearts.

And when You knew it was right, when You knew I had no choice but to listen with an open heart; You showed me the pollution I allowed to be placed upon and mask my heart. Mask my good.

I knew that was not of me. I am of You. I am of love. I took that contamination and decided to let it go in favor of Your love.

I have invited You in. I have welcomed You into my heart. You have risen to my request to heal the damaged corners and weakened columns that you worked to uphold all along.

There You have made a home. In that home, You grow Your love. You, strengthened by myself. You, strengthened my faith. You, unscathed and pure, are my Lord.

You are possible.

I worship You. I live You. I love You, Lord.

Thank You.

Love, Your daughter,


Monday, November 1, 2010

No Facebook November

I am not going to be on Facebook during the month of November. Why? Because it has become a distraction and an addiction, and you find out way too much about some people on FB. That is what I tell people when they ask. Then they look at me with an odd look on their face and ask why that's such a bad thing. Then I usually just laugh it off and change the subject to something more interesting. To be completely honest, some things should just not be put on Facebook. I am going to have a wonderful month, Facebook free! So hello blogging! :)

My time of peace is usually when I'm driving. I love to drive, there is hardly anything better than an open road and some chill music to keep me company. God has a pretty cool way of making Himself evident to me. This morning, as I was driving to work, I was stopped at a stoplight and I could hardly see the light change because the sun was so bright behind it. At first I was like "Oh no, I can't see!" and then I looked beyond the stoplight and saw the sun shining in through the clouds. It was so beautiful to see God's easel right in front of me. Cold chills ran up my arms as I waited for the light to change to green. Pretty cool, huh?